Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Let Them Eat Cake

French Indulgence and Villette

In Villette Bronte offers us a menagerie of food moments, in part drawing on appetite to enhance certain character traits. The flighty Ginevra Fanshawe 'fed on creams and ices like a humming-bird on honey-paste: sweet wine was her element, and sweet cake her daily bread', whilst the reserved protagonist, Lucy Snow, prefers hot beverages and cake; 'To my great joy this food was limited to coffee and cake: I had feared wine and sweets, which I did not like.' 
These recipes of the French inspired (and to my knowledge fictional) Petite Pates a la Creme and the English Citrus Seed Cake are my interpretations of the simple, moist cakes which Lucy preferred; they are perfect fruity numbers for a summer day with a few pitchers of Pimm's!

Just click on the link under each image to view the recipe... 

Lemon and Vanilla Petite Pates a la Creme 

Citrus Poppy Seed Cake

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